Board Committees

Communications Committee
Discusses district communications policy and practice, including the district website, e-News, Newsline, staff communications, etc.

Curriculum Committee
Acts as a forum to review current instructional materials and future options for updating those materials at all levels. Textbooks and other materials are discussed and examined for course relevance and appropriateness before being presented to the Board for approval. 

Facilities and Joint Review Committee
The Facilities Committee discusses issues relating to district buildings and fields, including capital projects, maintenance, and repairs and construction.
The Joint Review Committee reviews custodial and maintenance services in each of the district's schools on a monthly basis. Goals and action plans for the custodial and maintenance services are established quarterly.

Finance Committee
Discusses issues relating to the funding of the district. Responsible for the initial presentation of the budget and continual monthly review of budget transfers for the current fiscal year.

Policy Committee
Reviews, revises, and drafts district policy. The committee brings recommendations to add or change policies to the full Board for discussion and adoption. Board policy requires that new or revised policies have two readings before adoption.

Federated Home and School Association 
Provides information about the Board and district to, and collects feedback from, the Home and School Associations' presidents at their monthly meeting.  

Ridgewood High School HSA
Provides information about the Board and district to, and collects feedback from, the RHS Home and School Association at their monthly meeting.

The Special Education Parent Advisory Group (SEPAG)
Provides information about the Board and district to, and collects feedback from, the Special Education Parent Advisory Group at their monthly meeting.

Fields Committee (Fields Committee Meeting Information)
The Joint Village/Board Fields Committee manages the upkeep and scheduling of the athletic field throughout the Village.

Parks and Recreation
Comprised of select village employees and citizen volunteers appointed by the Village Council to address the recreational and open space needs and activities of the community, balancing recreational interests with environmental and financial issues.

Green Ridgewood
Assists the Village of Ridgewood with respect to environmental concerns by formulating, adopting, and implementing practices and policies which protect the environment, respect the ecosystem, promote sustainability, reduce climate change, and support earth-friendly cost reductions within the municipality and the community at large.

Citizens Safety Advisory Committee (CSAC)
Assists the Village Council on issues concerning pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular safety on all roads, thoroughfares, and lands located in the Village. 

AD HOC Committees



Bergen County School Boards Association (BCSBA)
Membership is made up of the 78 school districts of Bergen County. The goal of the association is to enhance the skills and knowledge of the local board of education members and to serve as a forum for the exchange of information and ideas and as a catalyst to expedite and initiate change.

New Jersey School Boards Association (NJSBA)
The New Jersey School Boards Association is a federation of all of the state’s local boards of education, providing training, support, and communications services. The district representative attends periodically-held meetings to participate in discussions; make decisions about issues that reaffirm the common goal of educating children; meet with colleagues; engage in dialogue, and develop positive relationships with other school board members.

Scholarships and Awards
Ashby Award
Other scholarship responsibilities will be determined by the high school, based on the scholarship selection criteria, giving each Board member an opportunity to participate.